Kasia Lyczkowska
  • País: Malta
  • Number of Titles: 1
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Kasia Lyczkowska, MSc in Psychology in Leadership Development and Coaching is a certified Coach and Counselor working as an Educational and Career Coach at the University of Liverpool. She is the author of a number of articles on leadership development, organizational analysis, and solution-oriented and person-centered coaching. She also writes her blog and column about wellbeing and positive psychology in the major newspaper dedicated to expats living in the Netherlands.

She has served as Vice President of Education in Amsterdam Fusion Toastmasters Club being responsible for development and progress of communication and leadership skills of over 30 members.

Kasia is currently running her private Growth and Development Coaching practice in Amsterdam. Her passion and work focuses on personal development of expats who are at a turning point in their lives, seeking vision, fulfillment and purpose. She promotes strengths, passion, hope, positive change, and world of opportunities as means to step out from her own and her clients’ roadblocks to build fulfilling and joyful life.

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