Jeffrey Pietrzak
  • País: United States
  • Number of Titles: 4
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Jeffrey J. Pietrzak, Ph.D., is the Founder and CEO of Work Exceptional, LLC, a consulting firm on a mission to provide tailored business and human capital consulting solutions focused on results accessible to companies of all sizes.

Throughout his career, Dr. Pietrzak has built and led people focused initiatives for organizations ranging from small start-ups to global Fortune 500 firms, hyper-focused on achieving results. He has helped grow headcount and financial results through executive coaching, organizational development, learning and development, and various human capital practices.

 As a former Chief People Officer, he has nearly 20 years of working in various industries, including healthcare, technology, insurance, retail, manufacturing, restaurants, hospitality, recruiting, and distribution. He has a knack for identifying the strengths of others, helping them realize those strengths, and maximizing their abilities to create high-performing work environments. 

Dr. Pietrzak enjoys working at all levels of organizations to learn about needs, bringing his perspective and experience to the table in practical and actionable ways.

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