categorias empresarial
Jay A. Dewhurst
  • Título profissional: Dr.
  • País: United States
  • Number of Titles: 2
  • Contactar o Autor:

Dr. Dewhurst is a 25 year veteran of business leadership and entrepreneurship having built and operated businesses throughout the US and Central America. Dewhurst taught business and finance at the University of Charleston and Grand Canyon University and has been published in several national and international journals and magazines. He is recognized as a leader in small business development, human resource management and employee retention as well as operational efficiency.

Dr. Dewhurst has authored two books, An Introduction to Business published by Bookboone and has just released the first in a series of practical guides for entrepreneurs, A Practical Guide to Business Planning published by Lezarago Publishing available on Amazon as well as traditional bookstores.

In addition to his for-profit ventures, Dewhurst is Founder and President of The Nehemiah Institute, an international educational initiative that brings higher education to the poor all over the globe.

Dewhurst is a father and grandfather and resides in Teays Valley, WV and Tucson, AZ.

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