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Java 17: More about Java and Android

Software Development

páginaprincipal.livro.por Poul Klausen
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páginaprincipal.livro.idioma :  English
The book is about writing applications for Android and is a continuation of the previous book in this series.
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The book is about writing applications for Android and is a continuation of the previous book in this series. Among other things, the book will introduce fragments and how to use the facilities like GPS and Camera. The book also say more about services and how to use the web from a phone. After reading this and the previous book you shoul be able to write Java apps for Android.

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  1. Introduction 
  2. Fragments 
    1. Rotate the phone 
    2. The screen size 
    3. Communication between fragments 
    4. Two activities 
    5. The fragment life cycle 
    6. A ListFragment 
    7. A DialogFragment 
    8. Fragment transactions 
  3. The phone 
    1. Send a SMS 
  4. Using the camera 
  5. Locations 
  6. Preferences 
  7. External storage 
  8. The web 
    1. LoadData() 
    2. Connect to an URL 
    3. Download a file 
  9. More on services 
    1. An IntentService 
    2. A never ending service 
  10. Notifications 
  11. Android and security 
    1. The AndroidManifest.xml 
    2. Marshmallow and Beyond 
    3. An app store 
  12. A final example: The WineApp 
    1. Development plan 
    2. The project 
It is a wonderful book to get information.
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