categorias empresarial
Hossein Hassani
  • País: Iraq
  • Number of Titles: 2

Hossein Hassani is a lecturer at the University of Kurdistan-Hawler since 2007. He joined UKH after nearly twenty years of experience in software industry. He has been teaching different modules such as Project Management, Advanced Database, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Programming, Management Information Systems, and Human Computer Interaction.

During his experience in software industry, he has worked in different positions starting from a junior programmer, promoting systematically to a senior programmer, then a designer, an analyst, a team leader, a project manager and finally a senior consultant. Keeping relations with the higher education in this long path of experience alongside diversity of the projects in which he has been involved and committed, have enabled him to have a deep understanding of software and information technology projects. In addition, this has given him a holistic idea about the dynamic relations of computing with all aspects of humanity and social life. He shares his findings of this amazing journey with his students during lecturing and teaching.

He is interested in Information Accessibility, Computational Linguistics, and Software Quality Assurance.

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