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Exercises on Relational Database Theory

páginaprincipal.livro.por Hugh Darwen
(19 avaliações )
páginaprincipal.livro.idioma :  English
This is the exercise book, with solutions, to accompany An Introduction to Relational Database Theory by the same author.
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This is the exercise book, with solutions, to accompany An Introduction to Relational Database Theory by the same author.

  1. Exercises
    1. Exercise for Chapter 1, Introduction
    2. Exercises for Chapter 2, Values, Types, Variables, Operators
    3. Exercises for Chapter 3, Predicates and Propositions
    4. Exercises for Chapter 4, Relational Algebra – The Foundation
    5. Exercises for Chapter 5, Building on The Foundation
    6. Exercises for Chapter 6, Constraints and Updating
    7. Exercises for Chapter 7, Database Design I: Projection-Join Normalization
    8. Additional Exercises Using Rel
  2. Solutions (shown in blue)
    1. Exercise for Chapter 1, Introduction
    2. Exercises for Chapter 2, Values, Types, Variables, Operators
    3. Exercises for Chapter 3, Predicates and Propositions
    4. Exercises for Chapter 4, Relational Algebra – The Foundation
    5. Exercises for Chapter 5, Building on The Foundation
    6. Exercises for Chapter 6, Constraints and Updating
    7. Exercises for Chapter 7, Database Design I: Projection-Join Normalization
    8. Additional Exercises Using Rel