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Basic Thermodynamics: Software Solutions – Part V

páginaprincipal.livro.por Dr. M. Thirumaleshwar
páginaprincipal.livro.idioma :  English
This is Part V of the book: “Basic Thermodynamics: Software Solutions”. Here, Real and Ideal gases and Gas mixtures are dealt with.
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This is Part–V of the book: “Basic Thermodynamics: Software Solutions”.

Here, Real and Ideal gases and Gas mixtures are dealt with.

Very useful information on Real and Ideal gases and Equations of state are compiled.

Other topics covered are: ‘compressibility factor’ and ‘principle of corresponding states’, Internal energy, Enthalpy and Specific heats for Ideal gases, properties of mixtures of ideal gases. Dalton’s Law, Gibbs-Dalton Law, Avogadro’s Law etc are stated. Procedures to calculate sp. heats, apparent Molecular weight, Gas constant, internal energy, enthalpy etc of a mixture of ideal gases is explained.

A very useful EES Function to determine Compressibility factor, Z when reduced temp, Tr and reduced pressure, Pr are given, is given in Appendix of chapter 9, and its use is explained with an example.

Above topics are illustrated by solving several problems using Mathcad, EES and TEST software.

  1. Real and ideal gases and gas mixtures
    1. Introduction
    2. Ideal, Perfect and Real Gases
    3. Ideal Gas Laws and Property diagrams for an Ideal (or perfect) gas [1, 2]
    4. Ideal gas equation of state
    5. Deviation from Ideal gas behavior – Compressibility factor
    6. Equations of state for ‘Real gases’
    7. Internal energy (u) and enthalpy (h) of an Ideal gas
    8. Specific heats of Ideal gases
    9. Some Processes with Ideal gases: (See Chapter 4)
    10. Properties of Mixtures of Ideal gases [18]
    11. Problems solved with Mathcad
    12. Problems solved with EES
    13. Problems solved with TEST
  2. Appendix