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Jan A. Van Casteren
  • País: Belgium
  • Number of Titles: 4

Since 2009 the author is retired from the University of Antwerp. Until the present day his teaching duties include a course on ``Partial Differential Equations and Operators’’ and one on ``Advanced Stochastic Processes’’. In the sixties the author was a student at the Catholic University of Nijmegen, Netherlands (nowadays Radboud University), and he earned his Ph.D. from the University of Hawaii, USA, (1971). Since 1972 he has been a member of the academic staff of the University of Antwerp, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Belgium. Most of his professional life he has been teaching courses in analysis and stochastic processes. His research lies in the area of stochastic analysis. A recent book authored by him is Markov Processes, Feller Semigroups and Evolution Equations, published by WSPC, Singapore, 2011, of about 800 pages.

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