Professionele eBook

Problem Solving Skills

The Art of Problem Solving

(29 Beoordelingen )
Taal :  English
Learn 7 step-by-step techniques and time-tested methods to tackle even the most complex problems, avoid costly mistakes and become a confident decision maker with The Art of Problem Solving.
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Problems solving is at the center of many people’s everyday work. Whether solving a problem for a client, guiding other people or discovering new, creative ways to improve certain aspects of your own life, problem solving is a fundamental success skill.

Being a confident decision maker, feeling in control of the situation, and channeling other people’s support and energy comes from having a sound problem-solving process.

The Art of Problem Solving offers valuable resources on how to quickly and effectively tackle complex problems, thus, improving decision making and minimizing the risk of making costly mistakes.

The book covers the 7 Biggest Problem Solving Approaches, rooted in psychology and used by management leaders, forward-thinking corporations and innovators alike. It also guides the reader on how to quickly and correctly identify the problem, and allows to avoid the common barriers of problem solving (that even the most skilled decision-makers often fall prey to).

  1. Why Is Problem Solving Important…and Just How Does It Improve Your Life?
  2. What is a Problem?
  3. Problem Solving Approaches
    1. The Eight Disciplines
    2. GROW Model
    3. Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving and Decision-Making
    4. OODA Loop
    5. PDCA
    6. RPR
    7. PDCA
  4. Common barriers of problem solving
  5. Functional Fixedness
  6. Rational Versus Organic Approach to Problem Solving
  7. Problem Solving Strategies
    1. Constructive Controversy – Arguing ‘For and Agin’ Your Position
    2. Means-End Analysis (MEA)
    3. Appreciative Inquiry
    4. The Simplex Process
    5. Straw Man Approach
    6. Six Hats
    7. Brainstorming
    8. Productive Thinking Model
  8. Conclusions
Over de auteur

Arina Nikitina