Professionele eBook

Telling plus Showing

Effective use of Visual Aids in Presentations

Taal :  English
Visual aids can make or break a presentation. This text looks at things that dilute effectiveness, and practical techniques that help you enhance understanding and achieve your aims.
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Visual aids can make or break a presentation. This text looks at what to avoid, things that dilute effectiveness, and practical techniques that add power, clarity, enhance understanding and make achieving your aims more likely.

About the Author

Patrick Forsyth is a consultant, trainer and writer. He has worked with organisations large and small and in many different parts of the world. He is the author of many successful books on management, business and careers and prides himself on having a clear how-to style.

One reviewer (“Professional Marketing”) commented: Patrick has a lucid and elegant style of writing which allows him to present information in a way that is organised, focused and easy to apply.

In this series he is also the author of several titles including “Your boss: sorted!” and “How to get a pay rise”. His writing extends beyond business. He has had humorous books published (e.g., Empty when half full), also light-hearted travel writing: First class at last! (about a journey through Southeast Asia), and Smile because it happened (about Thailand). His fifth novel, Where there’s a will, was published recently.

  • About the author
  1. Introduction: How telling and showing work together for the audience
    1. The audience’s nightmare
  2. Defining visual aids
    1. Anything and everything
  3. What to avoid
    1. Mistakes with slides
    2. Other mistakes
  4. Best practice
    1. Title slides
    2. Types of slide
    3. Being persuasive
    4. Sophistication unlimited
    5. Towards the end
  5. Afterword: Maximising power

Understand how to effectively combine speaking and visual displays in a presentation. Learn to choose and use visual aids that help explain your message. Practice creating slides that grab and keep the audience’s attention. Develop skills to make presentations more convincing using visuals.

Over de auteur

Patrick Forsyth