Professionele eBook

Strategic Thinking and how do I get it?

(31 Beoordelingen )
3 reviews
Taal :  English
This book provides the reader with clear explanations of the necessary skills, real life examples, and exercises to help develop their own Strategic Thinking abilities.
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Strategic Thinking is not Strategic Planning. Strategic Thinking requires a set of critical skills to analyze, and evaluate the steps necessary to achieve a positive outcome.

Strategic Thinking is complex but can be learned. Some can develop a deep understanding of the process. Others can understand some elements of the process. Either level is of significant benefit in business and personal interactions as well.

This book provides the reader with clear explanations of the necessary skills, real life examples, and exercises to help develop their own Strategic Thinking abilities.

  1. Chapter 1
  2. Agility
  3. Strategic Alliances
  4. Conclusion
Nicely explained in simple language and with good examples. I really enjoyed reading the book.
very essential to my work as director of Career Placement & Industry Linkages.
Crisp, Clear, and Simple. A call to action. Anyone can do it and everyone should. I am following the exercises in this book today!
Over de auteur

Ruth B Mott