Professionele eBook

Psychological Resilience

(30 Beoordelingen )
Taal :  English
This e-book is a selected review of the main psychological theories and frameworks that underpin the concept of resilience.
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This e-book is a selected review of the main psychological theories and frameworks that underpin the concept of resilience. The book also contains a ‘toolkit’ that points to ways in which individuals can develop psychological resilience. A series of straightforward exercises and tips accompany the chapters, which are designed to help you understand the key components of resilience. At the same time, the exercises will help you to build your own individual resilience and/or that of a project-team, which you may be part-of (either physically in a work-space or virtually at home).

About the Author

Dorothy Ann Spry, MSc Organisational and Behavioural Psychologist with a background in training, coaching and development. She has worked for various organisations in the USA, UAE and Europe.Dorothy is the author of numerous business management books and research articles.Topics include: Psychometric Testing; Careers in the 21st Century; Emotional Intelligence; Authentic Leadership, Anger Management and Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (CBC), Psychopathic Leadership, The Good, Bad and Downright Ugly, Using ‘Fast Thinking’ in Business Star Performers: How to enhance your Emotional Intelligence.

Dr Nigel Marlow, Business & Consumer PsychologistNigel has a background of 20 years business experience at Director Level (UK, Germany & Italy). He has also worked in the HE sector as a Principal Lecturer in Psychology, developing MSc programs in both Business Psychology and Consumer Psychology. Currently he is R&D director for business-psychology. online and has created several bespoke online engines for exploring the subconscious and emotional aspects of decision-making within organizations and within the minds of consumers.

  • About the Authors
  1. Introduction
    1. Overview
    2. Introduction
    3. Stressful Life-Events Scale (SLES)
  2. What Is Resilience?
    1. What is ‘Resilience’?
    2. Can Resilience be developed?
  3. The Key Ingredients Of Resilience
    1. The Key Ingredients of Resilience
    2. Emotional Self-Awareness
    3. Self-Belief
    4. Control Of Self
    5. Optimism
    6. Sense of Humour
    7. Willingness to be Flexible & to Adapt
    8. The Ability to Solve Problems
    9. Social Support
  4. Additional Support
    1. Additional Support
  5. References
Over de auteurs

Nigel Marlow

Dorothy Spry