Professionele eBook

Meeting Deadlines

Taal :  English
This book looks at what is necessary, in the context of time management, to ensure that you regularly hit deadlines and reap the rewards that can produce.
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A missed deadline causes all sorts of problems for an organisation and for individuals; at worst it can disrupt plans, waste money and cost reputations. This book looks at what is necessary, in the context of time management, to ensure that you regularly hit deadlines and reap the rewards that can produce. Specifically it looks at:

  • The nature of deadlines and how they fit with your overall personal organisation
  • Setting them in the right way and making decisions about them in context of your overall responsibilities, objectives and priorities.

About the Author

Patrick Forsyth is a consultant, trainer and writer. He has worked with organisations large and small and in many different parts of the world. He is the author of many successful books on management, business and careers and prides himself on having a clear how-to style. One reviewer (“Professional Marketing”) commented: Patrick has a lucid and elegant style of writing which allows him to present information in a way that is organised, focused and easy to apply. In this series he is also the author of several titles including “Your boss: sorted!” and “How to get a pay rise”. His writing extends beyond business. He has had humorous books published (e.g. Empty when half full), also light-hearted travel writing: First class at last!, about a journey through South East Asia, and Smile because it happened about Thailand. His third novel, A Rather Curious Crime, was published recently.

  • The Author
  1. Introduction: the key to success
  2. Be well organised
  3. Setting deadlines
  4. Keeping on track
  5. Afterword
  • Conclusion
Over de auteur

Patrick Forsyth