Professionele eBook

Managing Team Members

The Good, The Bad and The Okay

(12 Beoordelingen )
Taal :  English
Should you carry out performance reviews? Are these new to you? In this book you’ll find practical suggestions on how to deal with your team members – The Good, The Bad and The Okay.
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Performance management is the responsibility of all managers at all levels. The recording of key information may be the domain of HR or payroll, but this, alongside operational and behavioural information, provides the basis of a performance management system which should include review meetings between managers and their team members.

This book is aimed at anyone who is responsible for carrying out performance reviews and would be particularly useful to those new to this aspect of their work; gives practical suggestions on how best to deal with all team members – The Good, The Bad and The Okay.

  • About the Author
  1. Introduction
    1. Overview Of Managing Team Members – The Good, The Bad and The Okay
    2. Performance management: What is it? And why is it important?
    3. A need to be managed 
    4. Performance management reviews 
  2. You – Managing Your Own Performance 
    1. Take a look at yourself 
    2. Personal organisation 
    3. Presenting ‘bad news’ 
    4. Receiving criticism 
  3. The Performance Management Review Process 
    1. The importance of an effective and regular review process 
    2. The agenda 
    3. Conducting the meeting 
    4. Confidentiality 
    5. Is the annual appraisal good enough?
    6. All round review 
    7. Who should carry out performance reviews? 
  4. Performance Measures and Record Keeping 
    1. Key Measures 
    2. How to assess against the measure
    3. Record keeping 
  5. Motivation
    1. What motivates? 
    2. Why bother to motivate? 
    3. So what should you do? 
  6. The Bad – Dealing With Poor Performers 
    1. Why it is important to deal with poor performance – and why we don’t! 
    2. How to effectively deal with poor performers 
    3. Reasons for poor performance 
    4. It’s all in the follow-up 
  7. The Okay – Getting That Bit More From Average Performers
    1. Is ‘satisfactory’, satisfactory?
    2. What does ‘better’ look like?
    3. Why might they be ‘just okay’?
    4. Dealing with the okay performer
    5. It’s all in the follow-up
  8. The Good – Developing And Retaining Great Employees
    1. Spotting the good employee
    2. Why do good and great employees need to be reviewed?
    3. Carrying out the review
    4. What can you offer good and great employees?
  9. Age & Disability 
    1. Getting old
    2. Becoming disabled
    3. Carrying out performance reviews
    4. Legal implications
  10. Summary
    1. Performance management reviews – why bother? 
    2. Carrying out performance management reviews
    3. What next?
  • Bibliography 
  • Acknowledgements
Over de auteur

Karen Kirby