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Managerial and Cost Accounting Exercises II

(13 Beoordelingen )
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Taal :  English
This exercise book is the second of four exercise books that correspond directly with the Managerial and Cost Accounting textbook.
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This exercise book is the second of four exercise books that correspond directly with the Managerial and Cost Accounting textbook. The exercises relate specifically to Part 2 of the Managerial and Cost Accounting textbook. Exercises focus on cost-volume-profit and business scalability. Specific exercises deal with cost behavior, variable, fixed, and mixed costs. Cost behavior analysis exercises cover break-even and target income issues, contribution margin, sensitivity analysis, and multiple products scenarios.

  1. Problem 1
    1. Worksheet 1
    2. Solution 1
  2. Problem 2
    1. Worksheet 2
    2. Solution 2
  3. Problem 3
    1. Worksheet 3
    2. Solution 3
  4. Problem 4
    1. Worksheet 4
    2. Solution 4
  5. Problem 5
    1. Worksheet 5
    2. Solution 5
  6. Problem 6
    1. Worksheet 6
    2. Solution 6
  7. Problem 7
    1. Worksheet 7
    2. Solution 7
I like the book very much and the solutions are really helpful for me to solve any questions. Thank you for providing us this book. I really very much appreciate your work.
Over de auteurs

Christopher J. Skousen


Larry M. Walther