J. E. Parker
  • Officiële titel: Hon. Associate Professor
  • Organisatie: Heriot-Watt University
  • Land: United Kingdom
  • Aantal titels: 5
  • Neem contact op met de auteur:

I have 39 years experience of teaching chemists, biologists, pharmacists, chemical engineers and other engineers at Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh. My published research from 1966 onwards is in the area of physical chemistry, especially chemical kinetics, spectroscopy, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, computational chemistry and the use of mass spectrometric techniques to study single-collision elementary reactions. I published also in analytical chemistry specializing in the fundamental aspects of mass spectrometry. My teaching was mostly in physical chemistry for years one to four of BSc and year five MChem undergraduates and PhD postgraduate students using combinations of lectures, tutorials and lab classes. I realized the importance of maths and in order to help students I taught maths to first year chemists for several years. I believe that maths has to be presented in context emphasizing the applications in chemistry, physics, and biology for students to grasp its significance and importance in science and engineering. I have published five books with running to a total of nine editions in total. I hope you enjoy and find my books useful.

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