Professionele eBook

How to sell your value and your price

(15 Beoordelingen )
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Taal :  English
In this handbook you will find numerous answers to this question: 'What should I do in front of a customer?
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In this handbook you will find numerous answers to this question: 'What should I do in front of a customer?' Even the most experienced sales person is not always sure if he or she is doing the right thing. In the sales seminars that I teach all over the world, the participants are always surprised to see how much they can still learn. They very often know what to do and even know how to do it, but when it comes to the crunch they just don't do it. In these training programs they learn to really do it - and get rewarded for it.

  1. What is a good sales conversation
  2. The five steps of the sales meeting
    1. Opening of the conversation
    2. Discovery
    3. Presentation
    4. Handling Objections
    5. Closing
  3. Price techniques
  4. Sales Call
  5. Evaluate your selling skills
    1. Basic professional attitude
    2. Selling and influencing skills
    3. Planning
    4. Managing the customer
  6. Sales call observation sheet
  7. Coaching Guidelines for the sales manager
  8. Some power phrases
Great power phrases. Content is clear and direct to the point.
Over de auteur

Jan Flamend