Audio learning

How to Conduct Great Virtual Sales Meetings

18m 29s
Taal :  English
B2B sales experts discuss how to hold great virtual sales meetings so your entire sales team will be in the boardroom 5 minutes early eagerly waiting for you to start.
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Most sales managers hold regular sales meetings. Few, however, actually conduct productive sales meetings. In fact, most just end up being a waste of valuable sales time. As part of our Virtual Selling Series, in this episode we discuss how to hold great virtual sales meetings so your entire sales team will be in the boardroom 5 minutes early eagerly waiting for you to start. By the end of this episode, you will have learned when you should hold your sales meetings, an agenda template to run great sales meetings, both virtually and in person, and where to get ideas for relevant discussion topics. We will also discuss what you should NOT do as the sales manager running the meeting.  

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B2B Sales Connections