Professionele eBook

Excel 2016 Introduction

(65 Beoordelingen )
2 reviews
Taal :  English
This manual should be used as a point of reference following attendance of the introductory level Excel 2016 training course.
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This manual should be used as a point of reference following attendance of the introductory level Excel 2016 training course. It covers all the topics taught and aims to act as a support aid for any tasks carried out by the user after the course.

It may also be used as a self-help tutorial following the sections in the order presented will allow the user to build their skills in a logical fashion and by the end of this manual allow them to use Excel in a reasonably competent fashion.

The manual is divided into sections, each section covering an aspect of the introductory course. The table of contents lists the page numbers of each section and the table of figures indicates the pages containing tables and diagrams. It is suggested that new users follow the order of topics as listed to allow them to build their skills in a logical fashion.

  1. Introduction
    1. How to use this guide
  2. The basics
    1. Window elements
    2. Getting help
  3. Basic movement and usage
    1. Movement
    2. Data entry
    3. Editing
    4. Selection
  4. Formulae and functions
    1. Formulae
    2. Functions
    3. Absolute and relative references
  5. File operations
    1. Working with files
  6. Moving and copying data
    1. Cut, copy and paste
    2. Moving and copying between files
  7. Formatting
    1. Font group formats
    2. Number group formats
    3. Format cells dialog
    4. Formatting columns and rows
    5. Insert and delete cells, rows, columns or sheets
  8. Names
    1. Naming cells and ranges
    2. Name box
  9. Working with sheets
    1. Working with individual worksheets
    2. working with multiple sheets
    3. Protect worksheet data
    4. Views and windows tools
    5. Useful tools for large sheets
    6. Advanced navigation
  10. Printing
    1. Printing options
    2. Printing data (file print)
    4. Page set up dialog
    5. Margins tab
    6. Header/footer tab
    7. New methods for headers and footers in 2016
  11. Customising Excel
    1. Set Excel options
It is very Informative and helpful. Thank You
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Over de auteur

Stephen Moffat, The Mouse Training Company