Categorieën Prijsstelling Zakelijk
Professionele eBook

Data Protection Impact Assessment

Data Protection and Privacy Guide – Vol III

Taal:  English
This book contains a complete set of methods, strategies, plans, policies, audit tools and other practical controls to guide, support and facilitate you to effectively manage personal data.
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This book describes, in 5 volumes, an Integrated Data Protection and Privacy Management System (DP&P System) and a methodology complemented by a set of various strategies, plans, policies, audit tools and other practical controls to guide, support and facilitate all enterprises, organizations and companies to manage better their personal and sensitive data so that they comply better with all privacy regulations and standards (e.g. EU General Data Protection Directive, due for full implementation across the European Union in May, 2018).

  • Dedications
  • Summary
  1. Data Protection Impact Pre-Assessment Survey
  2. Data Protection Impact Risk Assessment
    1. Introduction
    2. Data Protection Risk Assessment Template
    3. Privacy Risk Register
  3. Data Protection Risk Resolution Actions
    1. Purpose
    2. Privacy Risks Resolution Actions
    3. Suggested DPIA Report Format
Over de auteur

John Kyriazoglou