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Chemical Engineering Vocabulary: Bilingual

With German translations

(39 Beoordelingen )
5 reviews
Taal :  English
Chemical Engineering Vocabulary was written for students and young professionals in chemistry, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and economics.
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The Chemical Engineering Vocabulary was written for students and young professionals in chemistry, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and economics, who have to do with chemical engineering in an academic or industrial setting.

All 2600 entries come with a sentence, which shows the application and, in addition, provides a piece of relevant and interesting information.

After studying these terms, the reader will have a solid vocabulary at his/her disposal, so that he/she can communicate in all areas of the process industries in a competent way and make use of the scientific and technical literature efficiently.

  1. About the book
  2. Chemical Engineering Vocabulary
Extremely helpful companion
A great study help with many up-do-date entries, don't miss this!
Zusammen mit "Verfahrenstechnik Wortschatz" ein Buch, das kein Student von Chemie, Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik missen sollte, sehr zu empfehlen.
Great study book for familiarizing oneself with a huge vocabulary of technical terms.
Very helpful learning aid to effectively read technical literature.
Over de auteur

Maximilian Lackner