Professionele eBook

Bringing Positivity to the Workplace

(11 Beoordelingen )
Taal :  English
Whether you are the CEO, manager, or a team member, we all have the responsibility to bring positivity. This is something we cover together as we discuss bringing positivity to the workplace.
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Things seem somewhat glum with the team lately. What will cheer everyone up around the office? Dress down Fridays? A box of donuts? Let everyone leave work and hour early if they finish the project on time? These short-term solutions only ever bide us time as we are more reactive than proactive when we desire to bring about positive change. The truth of the matter is that it goes much deeper than this because creating a positive workplace has more to do with how we conduct ourselves than the policies we create. Whether you are the CEO, manager, or a team member, we all have the responsibility to bring positivity. Sound easy enough, but how do we do it? It all begins with process and an understanding of what we can do. This is something we cover together as we discuss bringing positivity to the workplace.

Over de auteur

Aaron Jacobs