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Anne Galloway
  • Organisatie: power-to-change
  • Land: Netherlands
  • Aantal titels: 4
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Anne Galloway is a Certified Advance Resume Writer (CARW) and Careers Coach with an ICF approved Certificate in Career Coaching Practice. She works with people across many career stages, industries and geographical locations; whether returning to work after a career break, making a complete career change or looking to accelerate their current career.

Anne’s expertise lies in helping people identify their unique skills, strengths and achievements in order to create their own unique personal brand. She shows them how to communicate this brand confidently on their CV, during interviews and throughout their job search. Anne also uses a range of practical tools and techniques to help clients decide on the right career path.

As a CARW Anne can help you have a CV that will increase your chance of getting an interview. 

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