Audio learning

3 Steps to Boost Your Motivation

14m 55s
Taal :  English
Motivation seems to be a fleeting emotion that helps you start, but never finish, projects. But what if it didn’t have to be that way? This Expert Talk explores three steps to boost your motivation.
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Setting a goal on New Year’s Eve to run a marathon, and then only keeping up a daily jogging schedule for a few weeks. Reading an inspirational book and getting pumped to do a 180 at work, only for the daily grind to slowly creep back in after a handful of days. Motivation seems to be this fleeting emotion that helps you start, but never finish, projects. But what if it didn’t have to be that way? Tune in for three steps to increase and sustain your levels of motivation to reach your life’s goals.

Over de auteur

Katharina Brendel