Professional eBook

Your Job Performance Appraisal

Making it a Career Boosting Experience

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Language :  English
This book is an invaluable aid, giving you confidence on how to handle daily matters and your career progression a positive boost.
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Want to give your career a boost? Can your job performance appraisal help? It surely will not if you do not know what you want to achieve from it. You cannot just wing it and it is simply too important to be left to chance. Appraisals represent a unique opportunity to check progress and, more importantly, to look to the future. Being prepared is the first step to making these meetings go well.

This quick and easy guide provides proven, down to earth advice on:

- Preparing for the meeting

- Knowing what to say, how to say it and what questions to ask

- Reacting to what you are told

- What follow up action to take.

This book is an invaluable aid: it can give your confidence, how you handle matters on the day and your career progression a positive boost.

Patrick Forsyth is a consultant, trainer and writer. He is the author of many successful business and career books (including in this series Your boss – sorted! and How to get a pay rise). He runs Touchstone Training & Consultancy.

  1. Introduction: a career boosting opportunity
  2. What’s the appraisal process all about?
    1. Why job appraisal?
    2. Assessing your position
    3. Considerations about rewards
    4. The link to employment legislation
    5. Additional factors
  3. The job/career opportunity
    1. Projecting the right image
    2. Consider your specific work plans
    3. Consider success criteria
    4. Development needs
    5. The link to career development
    6. Overall rewards
  4. Preparing for your appraisal meeting
    1. Information: the foundation of success
    2. Collecting the right information
    3. Take the initiative
    4. Coping with systems
    5. Scales of measurement
    6. Think ahead
  5. Your manner and conduct in the appraisal meeting
    1. First impressions last
    2. Listening
    3. The question of questions
    4. Your commentary
    5. The right reaction to criticism
    6. Targeted results
    7. Ratings
    8. Search for opportunities
    9. Action plans
    10. Keep calm
    11. Concluding the meeting
  6. After the meeting
    1. The appraisal cycle
    2. Completing the system element
    3. Link to your work system
  7. Summary: the future
it is a great book and must have.
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About the Author

Patrick Forsyth