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Ulrich Zürcher
  • Land: United States
  • Number of Titles: 3

The author is a native of Basel, Switzerland, where he also earned a Diploma (in 1985) and Ph.D. (in 1989) in Theoretical Physics. The main research interest of the author is statistical physics applied to a wide variety of problems from physics, chemistry, and biology. After several postdoctoral appointments and visiting positions [at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston University, Clarkson University, and elsewhere], his focus shifted towards teaching mostly at the undergraduate level, first at the University of Rhode Island and since 2003 at Cleveland State University. One his passion is the application of physics in biology and medicine.  The author has published several papers in the American Journal of Physics and the European Journal of Physics.  In 2018, he published the book “Electrostatics at the Molecular Level (Morgan & Claypool Publishing - IOP Publishing).  The connection between classical physics (Hamiltonian mechanics) and quantum mechanics (Schrodinger equation) is one of his current interest.

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