Categories Corporate
Søren Rosenmeier
  • Land: Denmark
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Kontakt forfatteren:

Søren Rosenmeier has worked in the IT consulting industry for 15 years, first as a consultant and then as the co-founder of the freelance consulting agency Right People Group and the IT consultant marketplace and Vendor Management System, 

He holds a Master in Computer Science and Business from Copenhagen Business School and has been leading Right People Group’s European expansion from a Berlin-based incubator office for the past four years. Søren closely follows developments within the field of the future of work and gives lectures on topics such as exponential organizations and how to exile at using the external workforce.

In this book, he shares his insights and best practices based on many years of hands-on experience delivering IT and management contractors to large and medium-sized companies and organizations.

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