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Demographic Statistics

Methods And Measures In Demography

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Language :  English
The book is an introduction to advanced demographic techniques and has been designed for researchers and students of demography and statistics as well as social scientists and health workers.
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  1. Introduction 
    1. History of demography 
    2. Definition of concepts 
    3. Types of demographic studies 
    4. Branches of demography 
  2. Sources and uses of demographic data 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Population census 
    3. Vital registration system 
    4. Demographic sample survey 
    5. Population register 
    6. Errors in population data 
  3. Basic analytical tools in demography 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Ratios 
    3. Rates 
    4. Central rates 
    5. Standardised rates 
    6. Terminology usage in demography 
  4. Population size and growth 
    1. The balancing equation 
    2. Total population 
    3. Mean population in a year 
    4. Mean population of years 
    5. The mid-year population 
    6. Population growth 
  5. Measures of population composition 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Population composition by sex 
    3. Population composition by age 
    4. Population composition by age and sex 
    5. Measures of population distribution 
  6. Measures of mortality 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Crude death rate 
    3. Specific death rate 
    4. Cause-specific death ratios and rates 
    5. Mortality rates 
    6. Infant mortality rates 
    7. Measures of pregnancy wastage 
    8. Perinatal mortality 
    9. Standardised death rate 
    10. Other types of standardised mortality measures 
    11. Standardised death indices 
  7. Life table 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Life table functions, definitions and their relationships 
    3. Construction of life tables 
    4. Abridged life table 
  8. Measures of fertility 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Fertility measurement 
    3. Crude birth rate 
    4. General fertility rate 
    5. Age-specific fertility rate 
    6. Total fertility rate 
    7. Cumulative fertility rate 
    8. Marital fertility rate 
    9. Average age of childbearing 
    10. Measures of fertility based on census and survey data 
    11. Standardised fertility rate 
  9. Measures of reproductivity 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Types of reproductivity measures 
    3. Gross reproduction rate 
    4. Net reproduction rate 
    5. Reproduction-survival ratio 
  10. Nuptiality 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Classification of marital status 
    3. Sources of nuptiality data 
    4. Crude marriage rate 
    5. General marriage rate 
    6. Specific marriage rate 
    7. Total marriage rate 
    8. Standardised marriage rate 
    9. Measures of marriage timing 
    10. Divorce rates 
    11. Widowhood 
  11. Measures of migration 
    1. Introduction 
    2. Definition of concepts 
    3. Types of migration 
    4. International migration 
    5. Internal migration 

The book is an introduction to advanced demographic techniques and has been designed for researchers and students of demography and statistics as well as social scientists and health workers.

The book is very informative.
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About the Author

Nicholas N.N. Nsowah-Nuamah