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CMOS Integrated Circuit Simulation with LTspice

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Language :  English
An ideal companion for students following a first course in integrated CMOS design.
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  • An ideal companion for students following a first course in integrated CMOS design.
  • An ideal introduction to circuit simulation for new students in electrical or electronics engineering.
  • Organized as a series of tutorials on specific subjects.
  • Includes end-of-chapter problems.
  • Covers introduction to LTspice for first-year students in electrical and electronics engineering - Tutorials 1 and 2.
  • Includes both the classic Shichman-Hodges analytic transistor models and modern BSIM transistor models for circuit simulation - Tutorial 3.
  • Deals with the basic CMOS gain stages both using analytical models and using simulation - Tutorial 4.
  • Includes an example of the design of a two-stage opamp using a combination of analytical methods and simulation - Tutorial 5.
  • Covers simulation of CMOS circuits in process corners and over temperature variations - Tutorial 6.
  • Includes several hints and pitfalls specific to LTspice at the end of every tutorial.
  • Appendix for the beginner with overviews of components and simulation commands.
  • Appendix for the CMOS designer with examples of BSIM CMOS models for use with LTspice.
  • Click here to download the exercise book.

Click here to download BSIM CMOS models for use with LTspice.

  • Preface
  • Getting Started
  1. Tutorial 1 – Resistive Circuits 
    1. Example 1.1: A resistor circuit. 
    2. Example 1.2: A transconductance amplifier. 
    3. Example 1.3: A current amplifier. 
    4. Example 1.4: Debugging a schematic. 
    5. References 
    6. Problems 
  2. Tutorial 2 – Circuits with Capacitors and Inductors 
    1. Example 2.1: An RC network. 
    2. Example 2.2: A half-wave rectifier with a smoothing filter. 
    3. Example 2.3: An amplifier with a capacitive feedback network. 
    4. Example 2.4: An ideal inductor. 
    5. Example 2.5: Revisiting the capacitor charging and discharging. 
    6. Example 2.6: Determining capacitances and resistances in RC networks. 
    7. Example 2.7: A switch-mode dc to dc converter. 
    8. References 
    9. Problems 
  3. Tutorial 3 – MOS Transistors 
    1. Example 3.1: Different MOS transistor symbols and models in LTspice. 
    2. Example 3.2: Advanced transistor models. 
    3. Example 3.3: MOS transistor input characteristics. 
    4. Example 3.4: MOS transistor output characteristics. 
    5. Example 3.5: Deriving transistor parameters from input and output characteristics. 
    6. Example 3.6: Simulating small-signal parameters using ‘.dc’ simulations and ‘.measure’ directives. 
    7. Example 3.7: Simulating small-signal parameters using the ‘.tf’ simulation. 
    8. Example 3.8: Simulating small-signal transistor capacitances using the ‘.ac’ simulation. 
    9. References 
    10. Problems 
  4. Tutorial 4 – Basic Gain Stages 
    1. Example 4.1: The common-source amplifier (inverting amplifier). 
    2. Example 4.2: The common-drain amplifier (source follower). 
    3. Example 4.3: The common-gate amplifier. 
    4. Example 4.4: The differential pair. 
    5. References 
    6. Problems 
  5. Tutorial 5 – Hierarchical Design 
    1. Example 5.1: A two-stage operational amplifier. 
    2. Example 5.2: Designing the two-stage opamp for an inverting feedback amplifier. 
    3. Example 5.3: Generic filter blocks. 
    4. Example 5.4: A mixed analog/digital circuit. 
    5. References 
    6. Problems 
  6. Tutorial 6 – Process and Parameter Variations 
    1. Example 6.1: Model files for corner simulations. 
    2. Example 6.2: An inverter. 
    3. Example 6.3: A test bench for the two-stage opamp. 
    4. Example 6.4: Monte Carlo simulation. 
    5. References 
    6. Problems 
  7. Tutorial 7 – Importing and Exporting Files 
    1. Example 7.1: Importing a netlist file describing a current conveyor. 
    2. Example 7.2: Creating a subcircuit from a netlist. 
    3. Example 7.3: Importing a FinFET transistor model from a netlist file and model files. 
    4. Example 7.4: Exporting a netlist. 
    5. Example 7.5: Exporting other files. 
    6. References 
    7. Problems 
  8. Moving On 
  9. Appendix A – A beginner’s guide to components and simulation commands in LTspice 
    1. 1. Component selection. 
    2. 2. Overview of basic simulation commands. 
  10. Appendix B – BSIM transistor models for use in LTspice 
    1. Models for 0.35 μm CMOS. 
    2. Models for 0.18 μm CMOS. 
    3. Models for 45 nm CMOS. 
  11. Index 
This is one of the best books on CMOS IC simulation with LTspice which I would like to recommend for researchers and students. During my M.Sc. thesis this book had helped me so much to learn the fundamentals. I would like to express my deepest gratitude and respect towards the author of this book Professor Erik Bruun.
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About the Author

Erik Bruun