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Susan A. Moore
  • Land: United States
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Kontakt forfatteren:

Susan A. Moore is the owner and principal consultant at The Virtual BA Coach, an online coaching program that helps technology organizations work better virtually. She writes about remote work and virtual communications at The Virtual BA Coach blog.

Susan is a trainer and speaker, speaking to product management practitioners worldwide about communication and facilitation best practices and techniques. With a background in theater and dance and an education in film direction, she understands the subtleties of body placement and body language in a visual space.

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Har du noe du vil dele med bedrifter eller studenter i bokform? Har din erfaring gitt deg kunnskaper om personlig utvikling som du ønsker å dele med verden? Eller har du spesialisert deg i et akademisk felt som du mener trenger litt mer forklaring? Bookboons eBøker kjennetegnes av god kvalitet, konsist og lettfattelig innhold. Snakk med vårt redaksjonale team og bli publisert.