
Strategic Thinking Skills for Managers

Lingua :  English
Strategic thinking is a systematic approach to clarifying long-term goals, making strategic decisions and checking to see what progress has been made to achieve them.
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  1. Strategic Thinking
    1. Mission Vision and Goals
    2. The Helicopter Viewpoint
    3. The Eight Ps of Success
    4. Mintzberg’s Five P Strategy Model
    5. The SPEWSIC Model
    6. Strategic Objectives
    7. Position Audit
    8. Environmental Analysis
    9. WOTS Up or SWOT Analysis
    10. Strategies to Fill the Gap
    11. Strategic Models
    12. Implementation
    13. Control
    14. Advantages of Strategic Planning
    15. The CHOICES Model
    16. Twelve Activities to Improve your Management Strategic Thinking Skills
    17. Summary Learning Map of Book
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. References and Bibliography

Strategic thinking is a systematic approach to clarifying long-term corporate goals, making strategic decisions and checking to see what progress has been made to achieve them. It is vital to success in a senior, middle and line management position. It is about external issues such as customers, competitors, suppliers, markets, technology and finance and internal issues such as money, materials, manpower and machines. The SPEWSIC model explains and guides you through the strategic planning process. Awareness of this model will enhance strategic management thinking skills.

About the author

Samuel A Malone is a self-employed training consultant, lecturer, moderator, examiner and author. He has published numerous journal articles in the fields of learning, study skills, personal development, motivation and management. He is the author of 21 books published in Ireland, the UK and worldwide on learning, personal development, study skills and business management. Some of his books have been translated into foreign languages including Russian, Spanish, Danish and Norwegian, and gone into second editions. His most recent book (2014) is titled Awaken the Genius Within – A Guide to Lifelong Learning Skills (Glasnevin Publishing, Dublin). He has a M.Ed. with distinction (in training and development) from the University of Sheffield and is a qualified Chartered Management Accountant (ACMA), Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) and a Chartered Secretary (ACIS) and a member of the Irish Institute of Industrial Engineers. He is a Fellow of the Irish Institute of Training and Development (FIITD).


Samuel A. Malone