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Sarah Simpson
  • Paese: Australia
  • Numero di Titoli: 17
  • Contatta l'autore:

Sarah Simpson MBA, FIntLM, BSc, Dip Man, Cert Man, DCR

Sarah Simpson is a freelance trainer, lecturer, writer and the owner of Dragontooth Training and Consultancy. She is passionate about designing and delivering bespoke courses covering the public, private and third sector. She utilises the latest technology to produce creative and innovative deliveries that are set 'in the real world' that challenge and enable change in working practices.

She draws on extensive public and private sector experience to ensure individuals, teams and organisations gain optimal return on investment and see tangible workplace results.

Her clients include; Universities, The Fire and Rescue Service, The Police Force and County Councils. She has lectured at National and International conferences and has published several peer reviewed papers.

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