
Naked Prospecting

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Lingua :  English
This book is all about filling the top of the funnel. If you follow the process, you will be able to overcome the fear of rejection that so often keeps sales people from making headway.
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There is a common misconception in sales that sales people should be charismatic and charming. While a good personality never hurts, it’s not the secret ingredient to a successful sales career. Quite contrary; some sales people tend to talk themselves out of a sale, rattling off features and benefits as opposed to leading with value. Naked Prospecting is a “how to” book about the toughest part in the sales process. Filling the top of the funnel. Fear and resistance often play a big role. If you follow the process outlined in the book, you will be able to overcome “angst” and anguish that so often keeps sales people from being successful. Sales is a process and only those who are diligent, persistent and focused will succeed. Naked Prospecting is all about filling the top of the funnel. If you follow the process outlined in the book, you will be able to overcome the fear of rejection that so often keeps sales people from making headway.

About the author

Monika is a business growth expert and the Founding Principal of the Consultative Sales Academy, which provides Sales Expertise Consulting, C-Level Lead Generation as well as unparalleled blended e-Learning & Live Consultative Selling & Business Development Training Programs. These consultative selling approaches enable her clients to achieve increased revenue, shortened sales cycles and more ideal prospects and clients.

  • About the author
  1. Who is Your Audience?
    1. Don’t Boil the Ocean
    2. Finding the Right Decision-Maker
    3. Review: Activities & Tasks Checklist: Chapter 1
  2. Where to Begin?
    1. What Approaches Are Best for You?
    2. What Value Does Your Organization’s Solution Bring to Prospects?
    3. What is Your Unique Selling Proposition?
    4. Let’s Craft Impactful Messaging
    5. Review: Activities & Tasks Checklist: Chapter 2
  3. Mustering the Courage to Reach Out – It’s Hard to Ask A Question If You’re Afraid of the Answer
    1. F.E.A.R. (or False-Evidence-Appearing-Real)
    2. Making a Plan: Pre-Contact Planning
    3. Building a Process
    4. Why is Repetition so Important?
    5. How to Measure Your Effectivity?
    6. Your Activities & Tasks Checklist: Chapter 3
  4. Prospecting – Like Panning for Gold
    1. Get Cold Calling Hot!
    2. Star-Power Prospecting Research
    3. Who Are Your Prospects?
    4. How to Better Understand Your Prospects Before Your Reach Out
    5. Getting to Know Your Prospect – Like Dating?
    6. Aligning Your Approach with Your Prospect’s Goals
    7. Crawl Before You Walk – Then Walk Your Talk
    8. Walking Your Talk - Outreach Examples & Templates
  5. How Can Rejection Be Your Second-Best Option?!
    1. Why “NO” is a Good Answer
    2. Is that “No” For Now or FOREVER?
    3. Turning “No” Into Maybe
    4. Keep Building Bridges
    5. The Long & Winding Road
    6. Review Example: Planning to Keep Building Bridges
  6. Making Your Case – Putting Your Prospects on a Path to Success
    1. Tailoring Your Solution – Better Questions?
    2. How Do Your Prospects Communicate Best?
    3. Sharing Your Solutions on All Cylinders
    4. It’s Win-Win Time – Getting the Final Commitments
    5. Review: Understanding & Questioning to Gain Commitments
  7. What if the Shoe “Don’t Fit”! ** Are You with the Right Organization for YOU?!
    1. Is it a Good Fit? Would You Sell Something You Can’t Deliver On?
    2. How Do I Know What the Future Will Bring?
    3. Can Your Organization Really Provide What You’re Selling?
    4. Have a Good Look Behind the Curtain
    5. Is Overselling Avoidable?
    6. Sell What You Can Deliver – And Manage Expectations!
    7. Review: What You’re Selling & How You’re Managing Expectations
  8. Delighting Your Customer: Under-Promise / Over-Deliver
    1. Is Under-Promising & Over-Delivering that Simple?
    2. Plan for Delight
    3. Being a Future-Proof Partner
    4. Raising the Bar & Helping Grow Your Customer’s Business
  9. Conclusion – This is Just the Start!

Monika D’Agostino