Kurt Larsson
  • Paese: Sweden
  • Numero di Titoli: 3
  • Contatta l'autore:

After a successful career in international sales and marketing management, Kurt Larsson founded Expanding Understanding 20 years ago to train professionals in the effective use our most powerful communication tool, our bodies. Accruing a wide range of international sales experience – from automobile tires to retail banking systems in over 20 countries – he is also a proficient executive coach and workshop leader as well as an International Body Harmony Teacher of nearly twenty years. His specialty is the Language of our bodies and how we can consciously use it to increase sales, attract people to follow your lead, serve customers better and create more team spirit.

He leads workshops, seminars and coaches in Sensational Presentation Technique, Courageous Selling Strategies, Sensational Customer Service, Exposition Excellence, Sensational Leadership and Building team-spirit. All of his work is focused on the conscious, efficient and empowering use of your body language and emotions to communicate powerfully and attract more loyal business. He is also a TedX Stockholm presentation coach.

In his Sensational Soft Skills Toolbox series, Larsson shares both new and timeless tips, tricks, and tools he’s assembled during his thirty years of sales, management, training, and coaching. His goal is to help leaders learn those soft skills needed to succeed by communicating more powerfully, yet with less friction. “Sensational Presentation Skills” was his first offering that capitalises on his experience of training hundreds of people to present better using conscious body language. This book is his second. He currently lives outside of Stockholm, Sweden with his family and loves to travel.

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