Categories Corporate
Jay Dhillon
  • Paese: United Kingdom
  • Numero di Titoli: 24
  • Contatta l'autore:

For the past 22 Years, Jay Dhillon has grown businesses from start-up to success and helped many others do the same. With limited savings, he grew his first business to 500 contract staff, winning major clients including Land Rover, Jaguar, Toyota and New Look.

In 2013, Jay was able to sell his business to a London based investment firm. Jay has gone onto further success since the sale, creating a strong business brand with his companies and helping others do the same. His skills in leadership, building teams, handling difficult situations are some of the lessons he shares with others in the audio book lessons.

In recognition for Jay’s work with the Prince's Trust, one the UK largest business mentoring charity programmes. His achievements were marked with a personal invitation to meet Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace.  

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