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Jackie Booth
  • Paese: United Kingdom
  • Numero di Titoli: 1
  • Contatta l'autore:

Jackie is an Executive & Leadership Coach and Trainer. She supports senior female leaders and NHS teams to step into their next level of leadership through 1:1 coaching, mentoring and team training. Jackie is an authentic and inspiring coach and speaker who believes that it is possible to have a positive impact as a female leader in the world and workplace today. She is passionate about helping women discover their own leadership strengths and style and to bring their whole selves into how they lead, no matter where they are in their career. Jackie has led, managed, and trained teams for over 30 years in various roles and workplaces. In the last decade, she completed her coach training and certification, dealt with redundancy, coped with the end of her 25-year marriage, as well as relocating to London and making further significant career changes. She draws on these experiences to enhance her coaching and better support women in an authentic way that brings them the leadership success they desire.

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