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Divya Gugnani
  • Paese: United States
  • Numero di Titoli: 4
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"Make Your Business Go" is brought to you by serial entrepreneurs and investors Divya Gugnani and Alexandra Wilkis Wilson. Divya and Alexandra, close friends since they attended Harvard Business School together, have each co-founded scalable, successful consumer tech companies; in Divya's case, Send the Trend which sold to QVC, and her current venture, Wander Beauty; in Alexandra's case, Gilt which sold to Hudson's Bay Company after reaching $650M in revenue, and GLAMSQUAD. Divya and Alexandra have worked in venture capital and private equity and are each prolific investors, with more than 125 angel investments between them. In "Make Your Business Go", Divya and Alexandra share authentic advice on building any type of business based on their combined experiences both as business builders and investors.

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