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Maximilian Lackner
  • Paese: Austria
  • Numero di Titoli: 4

The author, Dr. Maximilian Lackner, has been a lecturing on combustion at Vienna University of Technology since 2005. He studied Technical Chemistry at the same university, where he also earned his PhD degree in 2003 and completed his habilitation in 2009. Dr. Lackner has authored over 100 publications related to combustion. He obtained a Global Executive MBA from LIMAK University in Linz, Austria, in 2008. Between 2004 and 2011 he held several senior positions in the petrochemical industry in Europe and Asia. From 2001 to 2013, he has founded four companies. Dr. Lackner is a member of the advisory board of the VDI and an advisor to the US Department of Energy.

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