Svein-Arne Jessen
  • Paese: Norway
  • Numero di Titoli: 3

PhD from Brunel University, Henley Management School, UK, and USC, University of Southern California, USA, 1989. MSc from University of Oslo, 1969.

Main current position: Professor emeritus at the Norwegian School of Management, Oslo.

Additional current positions: Adjunct professor at the University of Tromsø and Harstad (Norway), associate faculty at Henley School of Management (UK), affiliated professor at Fudan University (Shanghai, China), associate faculty at Supaero Technical University, Toulouse, associate faculty at STUniversity in Aix-en-Provence, at CERAM in Sophia Antipolis, and at HEC in Paris, France, International Dean of Studies at PPMI – Pan Pacific Management Institute (Beijing, China), Member of Executive Board, TsHiba,Cape Town Universty, South Africa.

Consultancies: In addition to the large Norwegian companies such as Statoil, Norsk Hydro, Statskraft, NKL, he has also been working internationally in the Philippins (World Bank), Malaysia (World Bank), India (NORAD), Sri Lanka (NORAD),Tanzania (NORAD and DANIDA), Mozambique (NORAD), Malawi (AFDB), Jamaica (NORAD), Bhutan (World Bank), and in Check Republic, China, Denmark,, The Dominican Republic, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Iran,, Italy, Japan, Kenya,, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Trinidad&Tobago,Ukraina, Viet Nam.

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