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Accession to the WTO: Part II

Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: The Case of Ukraine

Lingua :  English
This research studies the accession of a transition country to the World Trade Organization on the case of Ukraine.
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This research studies the accession of a transition country to the World Trade Organization on the case of Ukraine. Quantitative results are obtained by building a Computable General Equilibrium model in the mathematical programming language General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS). Four scenarios are simulated: 1) import tariffs reform; 2) improvement of exports access; 3) improvement of investment climate and 4) the scenario that combines previous three, or a full WTO accession.

This is the second part of the book that examines process and possible economic consequences of accession to the WTO. This part considers economic impact of the WTO accession and takes specific country as a case study, namely Ukraine. Computable General Equilibrium model for Ukraine is built and several scenarios are modelled. The facts that Ukraine has sufficiently large economy and accession was finalised quite recently should make it interesting to a wide audience.

  1. CGE Model for Ukraine
    1. Economic Situation in Ukraine
    2. Algebraic Formulation of the Model
    3. Data, Key Assumptions and Scenarios
  2. Results of the Model
  3. Concluding Remarks
  4. References
  5. Endnotes