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Yvonne Rosney
  • Pays: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 7
  • Contacter l'auteur:

English born, Irish bred, New Zealander – Yvonne has lived, worked, and relocated many times between the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand which eventually brought her to gaining professional qualifications in the world of coaching.

Mental Wellbeing (keeping healthy mentally) is a key factor in developing resilience, tenacity, drive, and belief. Yvonne positions herself in the proactive space of coaching to help those who wish to be better in their lives instead of being stagnant. Working with her on this mindset, you will be able to withstand challenges, uncertainties, and significant events with a stronger and more controlled approach. Significant events can test your inner strength whether that be a new career proposition, personal upheaval, or a substantial relocation.

Yvonne would know.

Having experienced significant changes numerous times herself in those areas, Yvonne knows all about the highs and lows and needing to build your own strong foundations and understand your own driving force. This, coupled with having professional qualifications as a coach on a solutions-based, cognitive behavioural and positive psychology basis, she will stick by you while you work through your own journey needs as she has already done for various other professionals.

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