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Writing winning essays

Essential tips and techniques to obtain top grades

Langue:  English
This book offers practical, proven ways to maximise your success in all aspects of essay writing, for example by undertaking the necessary research.
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This book offers practical, proven ways to maximise your success in all aspects of essay writing. It shows how to assess and respond to questions set, undertake the necessary research needed to complete an assignment and, importantly, how to write in a systematic way that presents a reasoned argument ensuring that your final essay is clear, well-structured and makes an impressive read.

The book reviews:

  • The nature of the academic essay
  • The process of research that puts you in a position to write
  • How to present a reasoned argument
  • A systematic approach to “getting the words down” effectively
  • Using language correctly and expressively.

About the author

Patrick Forsyth is a consultant, trainer and writer. He has worked with organisations large and small and in many different parts of the world. He is the author of many successful books on management, business and careers and prides himself on having a clear how-to style.

  • About the author
  • Thanks
  • Introduction: towards successful graduation
  1. The nature and role of the academic essay 
  2. A firm basis for success 
  3. Research comes first 
  4. From preparation to writing
  5. Structure and detail within the essay 
  6. Learning from experience
  • Afterword
A propos de l'auteur

Patrick Forsyth