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Towards Excellence…Seminars, GD’s & Interviews

A Guide for Students, Teachers, Researchers & Executives

Langue :  English
This book-let is an outcome of the lectures delivered by the author on this topic to the final year engineering students as a part of their training programme to face the campus interviews.
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This book-let is an outcome of the lectures delivered by the author on this topic to the final year engineering students as a part of their training programme to face the campus interviews.

However, this book should also be useful to all students, academicians and researchers, Managers or company executives, and, in fact, to all professionals or job seekers.

Here, First section of the book deals with ‘Seminars’. Here, the subject is explained under the following headings: Purpose of the seminar, planning, preparation of subject and presentation, principles of public speaking etc.

In the second section, the topic of ‘Group Discussions (GD)’ is explained. Here, the purpose of conducting the GD, modality of conducting it, DO’s and DON’T’s while participating in a GD, Grading different aspects of candidate’s performance, Topics generally given in GD, Assessing a candidate in GD etc. are described.

Topic of Personal Interview is taken up in the third section. This topic is explained under the following headings: Purpose of conducting the personal interview, types of personal interviews, preparation for the interview, etiquettes to be followed, DO’s and DON’T’s during an interview, some common questions asked, pressure tactics followed by some interviewers, etc.

Appendix-I, II give a possible list of topics for a GD, and some hints on etiquettes to be followed at the Workplace, at a Party, on Telephone, at business meetings and about general manners, and Rules for a happy life.

Appendix-III lists some useful tips and advice to Management students given by Sri Sathya Sai Baba to the MBA students at the Sathya Sai University, Prasanthinilayam. In fact, these tips and advice are relevant to all students and professionals.

  1. Seminars
    1. Introduction
    2. Steps involved in giving a successful seminar
  2. Group Discussions (GD)
    1. Introduction
    2. Group Discussion (GD)
  3. Personal Interviews
    1. Introduction
    2. Purpose of Personal Interviews
    3. Types of Personal Interviews
    4. Getting ready – ‘Initial research’
    5. Getting ready – Initial preparations
    6. Etiquettes to be followed
    7. Some DOs and DON’Ts
    8. Some common questions
    9. Some ‘surprise’ questions
  4. References
A propos de l'auteur

Dr. M. Thirumaleshwar