Livre électronique professionnel

Tough Decisions

Tackling difficult, awkward decisions and getting them right

(12 Classements )
Langue :  English
“Tough decisions” identifies key results areas and shows how to focus on them, avoid delay or inaction and achieve your goals by tackling difficult decisions.
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“Tough decisions” identifies key results areas and shows how to focus on them, avoid delay or inaction and achieve your goals by tackling difficult decisions.

It focuses on:

1. Tackling the new realities of the modern work environment
2. Assessing key results areas
3. Preventing sound action going by default
4. A straightforward action approach to enhancing your productivity
5. Achieving, and maximising, desired results despite difficulties.
  1. Introduction: a real opportunity
  2. Feeling uncomfortable
  3. It’s only human
  4. Issues to address
  5. Planning to change
A propos de l'auteur

Patrick Forsyth