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Tips for Working Outside Regular Hours

The Successful Confluence of your Work and Personal Life

25m 44s
Langue :  English
Manning & Schooler discuss the critical need for you to integrate work and life. Decades of experience shared! A must for all who strive to become more productive at work and happier in life.
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All careers require optimum work life integration, balance does not exist. There is a constant pull between home life and work commitments. There must be a flexible approach to working outside regular hours. To become more successful in one’s career it is necessary to manage work demands without encroaching on all-important family time and one also needs to look after one’s well-being. Providing these areas are given the right attention then maximum productivity and happiness can be achieved. Harmony is certainly attainable with the right approach. Ensuring maximum output and productivity.

À propos des auteurs

Steven J. Manning


Nat Schooler