Livre électronique professionnel

The Real Business of Real Business

Corporate trust and integrity

(11 Classements )
Langue :  English
The Real Business of Real Business shows how, with careful and well informed management, any organisation can develop a culture of integrity, and be a trustworthy partner in profitable transactions.
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The Real Business of Real Business shows how, in this increasingly globalised and interdependent world, with careful and well informed management, we can still all be winners. To participate in the myriad of mutually beneficial relationships, any organisation must be trustworthy. That requires an organisation to behave with integrity in all transactions, internal and external and including those with the local community and the environment which stands proxy for future generations.

Orthodox business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have failed to achieve that level of integrity. The Friedmanite neoclassical economic belief system, the dominant ideology, charges corporate management with the responsibility, above everything else, of maximising the wealth of shareholders. That false dogma has led to a ‘culture of casual dishonesty’, bad for business, for the economy and for our civilised society.

The Real Business of Real Business shows it doesn’t have to be like that.

  1. The Interdependent Business Context
    1. Introduction
    2. Business Legal Background
    3. Management Revolution
    4. Environmental Context
    5. An Economic Theory of Business
    6. The New Financial Context
    7. Conclusion
  2. The Friedmanite Neoclassical Economic Belief System (FNEBS)
    1. Introduction
    2. Evolution of Economic Analysis
    3. The FNEBS’ Impacts
    4. A Footnote on Friedman
  3. Business Evolution
    1. Introduction
    2. Evolutionary Stages
    3. Evolution and Ethical Rules
    4. Evolution of Culture and Psychological Contract
    5. Industry Evolution and Competition
    6. Conclusion
  4. The Business Ethics Movement
    1. Introduction
    2. The Business Ethics Approach
    3. Normative Ethical Theories
    4. Application to Business
    5. Conclusions
  5. Interdependence and Business Integrity
    1. Introduction
    2. Ethical Performance
    3. Trust and Business Integrity
    4. Enlightened Self-interest
    5. Collaborations, Alliances, Networks and Teams
    6. Moral Development
    7. Conclusion
  6. Business Perspectives
    1. Introduction
    2. Business Strategy
    3. Business Objectives
    4. Strategic Health and Performance
    5. Conclusions
  7. Objectives and Responsibilities
    1. Introduction
    2. Survival
    3. Satisfying Stakeholders
    4. Pleasing Customers
    5. Beating Competitors
    6. Conclusion
  8. Business Integrity
    1. Introduction
    2. Enlightened Self-Interest Revisited
    3. Perception or Reality
    4. Characteristic or Style
    5. Calculation or Value
    6. Transcultural Integrity
    7. Levels of Integrity
    8. Conclusion
  9. Action on Trust and Integrity
    1. Introduction
    2. A Culture of Openness
    3. Corporate Governance
    4. Internal Codes of Ethical Practice
    5. Making Integrity Explicit
    6. Conclusion
  10. Alternative Economic Systems
    1. Introduction
    2. Welfare Economics
    3. Social Balance
    4. Behavioural Economics
    5. The New Economics
    6. What They Don’t Tell You About Economics
    7. Conclusion
A propos de l'auteur

Gordon Pearson