Livre électronique professionnel

The Financial Freedom Formula

Langue :  English
Discover exactly what it’ll take for you personally to become financially free so you don’t have to depend on your business, a job, the government, a partner, or anyone else for money.
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Discover exactly what it’ll take for you personally to become financially free so you don’t have to depend on your business, a job, the government, a partner, or anyone else for money.

About the Expert

Penelope Jane Smith is the premier financial freedom mentor for women entrepreneurs and the go-to expert for some of the biggest names in the conscious business industry.

She is an acclaimed international speaker and certified trainer with over 20 years of teaching experience, the author of the Little Book of Prosperity, and the creator of Prosperity Coin, the world’s first cryptocurrency designed to support financial freedom for women entrepreneurs.

Her unique magic is supporting women entrepreneurs to become financially free in 5 years or less with $10,000+ per month in passive income so they don’t have to depend on their business, a job, a partner, the government, or anyone else for money.

You will learn:

The two types of passive income (and how to get more of each)

Why it’s important to create a clear financial freedom vision

The common misunderstanding about passive income that leaves even savvy investors with HUGE money leaks in their portfolios

3 Keys to accelerating your journey to financial freedom

A propos de l'auteur

Penelope Jane Smith