Livre électronique professionnel

The 5 Principles of Happiness

Langue :  English
Are you in search of happiness? “The 5 principles of happiness” provides a frank, open and inspiring account of what life could be if you were to embrace just 5 basic golden nuggets.
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Are you dissatisfied with life, desperately in search of happiness? “The 5 principles of happiness” offers a frank and open account of what life could be if you were to embrace these basic golden nuggets. This book allows you to shape or re-shape your own life and to create a special and meaningful one, full of joy. It will give you inspiration, reignite your zest for life and take you on your own journey towards happiness.

About the Expert

Helene is a French and British National who has dedicated her life to helping others with their confidence issues. She began her career as a Drama and Theatre Studies teacher in British schools. This led her to her own search for happiness and after becoming a Neuro Linguistic Programming coach, she started coaching individuals and businesses in Public Speaking, confidence, and life coaching. She has written another book on public speaking and confidence building: The Power of outrageous expression.

  • Introduction
  1. Make Peace with your Past
  2. Find Meaning in Your Life
  3. Reignite Your Inner Child
  4. Become Adaptable And Resilient
  5. We Are One: Body and Mind
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements
  • References
  • Images
  • Tables

Reflect on and Reconcile Past Experiences Discover and Cultivate Life’s Purpose Revitalize Creativity and Joy Develop Resilience and Adaptability

A propos de l'auteur

Helene Musso