Livre électronique professionnel

Sustaining Ethical Behaviour

Langue :  English
This book covers ways of pre-empting bad and sustaining good ethical behaviour. They include a range of measures such as developing and abiding by fundamental values and principles.
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This book covers ways of pre-empting bad and sustaining good ethical behaviour. It includes a range of measures such as developing and abiding by fundamental values. Operating to a corporate code of ethics helps you stay ethical, and abiding by the law will keep you out of jail. Observing a professional code of ethics will also help. An ethics committee and compliance officer will keep the ethics show on the road. The company’s culture should support good business ethics and encourage, facilitate, and protect whistleblowers. Using an ethical decision-making process will help you make ethical decisions.

About the Author

Samuel A Malone is a self-employed training consultant, lecturer and author. He is the author of 21 books published in Ireland, the UK and abroad on learning, personal development, study skills and business management.  Some of his books have gone into foreign translations and second editions. He has an M.Ed. with distinction (in training and development) from the University of Sheffield and is a qualified Chartered Management Accountant (ACMA), Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) and a Chartered Secretary (ACIS). He is a fellow of the Irish Institute of Training and Development (FIITD).

  • About the Author
  • Introduction
  1. Sustaining Ethical Behaviour
    1. What are Values?
    2. The necessity for Values
    3. Values we should aspire to
    4. Culture and Structure
    5. Whistleblowers
    6. Eduction & training
    7. The Ethical Decision-Making Process
    8. Learning Map Summary of Book
    9. Summary & Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements
  • References and Bibliography

Foster an organizational culture that supports ethical behavior and maintains a structured approach to prevent misconduct. Support and protect employees who report unethical practices, understanding the risks they take as whistleblowers. Implement ongoing ethical education and training to reinforce ethical standards within an organization.

A propos de l'auteur

Samuel A. Malone