Livre électronique professionnel

Strategic Communications in the Digital Age

(21 Classements )
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Langue :  English
Is it possible to fully avoid the Internet these days? Is it possible to hide ourselves, our privacy and our lives from digital communications?
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Is it possible to fully avoid the Internet these days? Is it possible to hide ourselves, our privacy and our lives from digital communications? As moms already post photos of their babies in an ultrasound embryo stage, we are online even before we are born. Not to mention all global informational systems, from banking records to health insurance, civic activity and social media platforms that are getting more and more interconnected. There is no way NOT to leave a footprint in the digital world. So, if we can’t avoid it, should we ignore it? On the contrary: The digital arena offers opportunities for personal and corporate development our predecessors could only envisage in their dreams. The solution is to embrace today’s digital world strategically: by going back to your roots, clarifying your vision and values, exploring the new means of communication and using them smartly for your utmost benefit. This is what this book is about. Welcome to the digital world.

  1. Author’s note
  2. Why digital communication?
  3. Who are you and what do you want?
  4. Strategic communications for individuals – personal image management
    1. Your digital profile
    2. What to do about it?
  5. Strategic communications for start-ups and small enterprises: brand management
    1. Understand your audience: Buyer Personas
    2. Emailing
    3. Strategic contact management: CRM
    4. Your website
    5. SEO basics: content management
    6. Media relations
    7. Leverage the outcome of your media relations
  6. Strategic communications for established companies: managing engagement
    1. The Conversation Prism from Brian Solis
    2. Know-how management
  7. Video communication
  8. Strategic crisis communication
  9. Tailor-made advice
  10. Conclusion
Good introduction for students in business and management classes.
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A propos de l'auteur

Cristina Muntean